An affiliate program, also known as "referral", "associate" or "partner" program, allows website or blog owners to earn commissions from their websites by referring people to products and services.
If you don't have a product of your own to sell, you can join affiliate programs to bring in additional revenue to your site.
Let's say your site is about home improvement and you offer tips on various household projects, painting, tools, etc. You would join affiliate programs from hardware companies and refer your visitors to their products from your own website.
These companies will pay you a commission for every product sold as a result of your website referral.
I make a full-time living online as an affiliate. I've been doing it since 1998 and full-time since 2006.
How Affiliate Marketing Works
Watch my video below to learn how websites can make money with affiliate programs.
In Summary...
The key to finding success with affiliate programs is to build a content-rich website with useful information centered around a specific topic or theme.
Don't just haphazardly throw up a quick site or blog and string a bunch of affiliate links all over your pages. You have to start by building credibility. And the best way to do that is to write about something you know a lot about.
Consider Using Site Build It!
Site Build It! has one of the highest success rates for affiliate websites. That's because they teach you how to apply the affiliate model to your website.
Most web hosts, don't provide help with building traffic and making money from your site because that's not in their business model. SBI!'s main goal is to show you how to build an income online.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
How to Make Money With Affiliate Programs
2:50 AM
Lucky Start 79
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