There are numerous ways to make money on YouTube. You can create your own videos and get paid for the number of views. You can create channels to place on your blog or web site and get paid according to the number of viewers. You can create your own playlist as well. Here's how to get in on the amazing income stream offered by YouTube.
- Open a free account with YouTube. Once your account is open start uploading videos to your page and start gathering as many friends as you can. You will need to have an active account, lots of friends and videos on your YouTube page, and have several hits to your page. You will need to upload videos often, and have videos on your page that are viewed by thousands of YouTube users. The aforementioned is necessary for you to proceed to step 2.
- Sign up for the YouTube Partner Program. If you're not a partner you won't have the opportunity to make money. Therefore, if you place YouTube videos on your site it's only for show, you're promoting YouTube and getting absolutely nothing in return. By the way, millions of people are actually doing just that. You can apply to be a partner by clicking the resource link "YouTube Partnership" at the end of this article. YouTube will let you know as soon as you click on the "Apply" button whether you have a valid shot at becoming a partner. The first time I applied, this is what I immediately read, "Thank you for your interest. Based on an automated review of your account it is unlikely that you will qualify for the YouTube Partner Program. Applications are reviewed for a variety of criteria, including but not limited to the size of your audience, country of residence, quality of content, and consistency with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use."
- Once you are accepted (and we're being optimistic about it) you will be able to share in ad revenue from the videos you create. The more people who view your videos, the more money you will make. This is why it's crucial for you to develop your YouTube page before you apply. This conglomerate is not interested in you if you don't meet their criteria. To a certain degree, that is understandable. YouTube wants individuals and companies who will generate income, and not someone who is just taking up bandwidth, thus costing them money
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